Absolutely agree. My husband and I only ended up spending more when we moved to Kosovo because he had a house (he is originally from here) we needed to fix up. But now there is no mortgage/rent and the taxes are less than 100€ a year! We did choose to get a car, which was so much cheaper than the one we bought and was years older in America! Our yearly registration seems expensive (around 350€) but it includes insurance! Same idea for health care. And so on. We don't regret the move at all.
I would just caution people not to buy property until your status is permanent. I know that right now, lots of people on visas are being made to leave Turkey even after having been there for years and owning property. It is a real mess. We are blessed that my husband is a citizen here (and in the US) so we are safe. But visas can touchy so I wouldn't rely on one for a long term investment without a lot of research and talking to a lawyer.