I agree with your counter arguments but they are not logical as counterarguments in this situation. You keep comparing apples to oranges. Wine has always been used outside of a ritual context. White sage has no other use. None. There are other sages used in cooking and as tea and medicine, but those are different than white sage.
Also you say it can be grown sustainably, which is true except it isn't being done. As the article said, wild plants are being poached to near extinction.
Also, the way non-Indigenous people are using the white sage is a poor imitation of a sacred ritual. IF a non Indigenous person takes the time to learn the rituals and join the faith it came from, then they can use it with reverence. If they just "adopt" it as their own practice, that is a problem.
I am Muslim (though I have a degree in Theology and World Religions). Not eating pork is not a ritual act. But, if a lot of people took our ritual prayer that we say 5x a day and altered it a little and thought it was cool, I and a lot of Muslims would be unhappy. As would any religion that has their sacred rituals used in such a manner. Sacred rituals are called sacred for a reason. The sacred is special and not to be trifled with.