I do believe that you are one of the expats who are "doing it right". I have written about how the expat life can be a problem when done "wrong". As someone from another country, we have responsibilities in how we live in someone else's "home".
I also just felt the need to point it out because there is a strong false narrative that Europe is a land of peace and hasn't had any wars or conflicts since WWII. Of course, that is false. There were the Yugoslav wars (1992-1999). And the Basque Conflict (1959-2011). As well as the conflict over Northern Ireland (late 1960s to 1998). The current war in Ukraine. There may be more I am unaware of. Let alone all the current (often violent) protests in France.
The thing that all those wars since WWII have in common is that they are minorities that have fought for their freedom, usually from a Western Power. So their struggle is easily overlooked and many want them swept under the rug and not discussed.
The Basque Conflict, even though it has technically ended, has ramifications for Europe even today. It is because the Basque minority population want their freedom from Spain (and Spain doesn't want to give it to them) that Spain has refused to recognize Kosovo (the country where I live) as an independent state.
Kosovo was an Autonomous Province within Yugoslavia. It has an Albanian majority (98%) but they were a small minority within Yugoslavia as a whole. Kosovo being an Albanian majority province in a country where they were the minority (and an abused one) is a major reason why they sought independence. Many in Spain believe that recognizing Kosovo as an independent nation would give legitimacy to the Basque desires and demands since they are in a similar situation.
Spain not recognizing Kosovo has been a big roadblock keeping Kosovo out of the European Union and the UN (though certainly not the only one) which has continued suffering, poverty, and delay of growth here in Kosovo.
Because of the lack of recognition, we are an island of a country within Europe. We can't ship things in and out of the country like EU countries do. There is no easy path to gain visas to even visit other European countries (though that is expected to change January 2024). We can't buy stuff from online retailers outside of the country due to banking and shipping issues. For outside businesses to come here to invest and build there are monumental problems that most don;t want to deal with and most come from not being part of the EU. Even importing and exporting goods is a problem.
I am not blaming all of that on Spain. I am just saying that Spain's refusal to recognize the independence of Kosovo 24 years after the war ended and Kosovo has clearly made a country for itself is a clear hinderance for Kosovo and a symptom of a larger and untalked about problem within Spain itself.
That is why I believe that we need to always at least be aware and be up front about the conflicts in Europe. Sweeping them under the rug has led to billions around the world who are unaware of the issues and the suffering that they have and still cause. Even high government leaders who should know better! American Vice President Harris said in an address to European leaders at the start of the war in Ukraine that she was shocked by the start of it since there had been peace and no wars in Europe since WWII. The ignorance is staggering.
So thank you for taking my comment as a friend and not as a conflict, which it may have read as. I am passionate about this issue. Passion often needs to be tempered and I failed this time.
I have always wanted to visit Andalusia, especially as I am a Muslim. The history there must be amazing.
Thank you if you read all of this. Keep writing such wonderful stuff!