I read your previous article that you mentioned before and thought the same thoughts I am about to share. I wish I would have actually shared them before. A child should never be forced to see a parent if they don’t wish to. I was a child forced by the govt to see my abusive father after my parent’s divorce. My mother tried to protect us but couldn’t. If she didn’t send us on the court ordered visits they would have arrested her and she would have lost her nursing license and our only income since my father did not pay the miniscule child support he had been ordered to. Of course he was never arrested for that. I even told a judge to his face that I didn’t want to see my father. He didn’t care. I cannot tell you how much abuse I suffered on those visits. It almost ruined my life. But I will not let that man do that to me. Unfortunately my brother, who was 5 years younger, took it even harder and now is on disability and will not leave his home and has not for over 20 years. He has no friends and cannot even shop for himself. He will not see anyone except my mother and occasionally me and my husband. My father is also a narcissistic and a sex addict and an alcoholic and prescription drug addict. If your daughter doesn’t want to see him it is because she is telling you something is wrong and she is uncomfortable. I am glad you already know this and listen to her. I wish more people listened to children. We would have mentally healthier adults.