I was forced to have a hysterectomy due to a period that was out of control and wouldn’t stop after 3 months of continuous and very heavy bleeding (sitting on towels while using triple pads heavy). No other treatments worked. I was bleeding to death. It broke my heart to lose the ability to have children. But I have not missed one single day of menstruating. Not one.
Though that is true, I don’t know that I would do it if I had a choice. In the artie was mentioned fears women have of not getting their periods but you never address them. This article could have actually been helpful, but fails to actually address any of the reasons women would hesitate or choose not to pursue ending their periods.
Where is the information on the side effects of hormonal birth control? Where are the answers to the mentioned anxieties women have? What about a woman having too much blood? Is there a risk of cancer by not menstruating? How can it affect future fertility? The article touches on all these topics but fails to deliver.
Atlantic, I love your articles, but the editor should have sent this one back for more work.