Thank you for reading and responding.
First of all, I didn't say they are no solutions. I said that currently, many people are dependent on these bottles for various reasons and that the situation is more complicated than is is often portrayed as being.
Second, I mention boiling water. But boiling water brings on other complications for climate change regarding fuel usage for the boiling. Also, not all water is safe after being boiled. It depends on what exactly is making the water unsafe, as I described in regards to filtering. Boiling will not remove heavy metals, pollutants, or all biological organisms. So boiling is not always an option.
Of course people needed water even before there were single use bottles. In the past there was also less pollution which renders water in some areas undrinkable. For others, as we clearly know from history, they were at constant risk of illness and death and often succumbed to it from unclean water.
Unclean water being one of the largest contributers to illness and death throughout history is an accepted historical fact. The modern reduction of the problem is because of the invention of clean water and management systems but also because of single use plastic bottled enabling water to be transported and stored in areas where no modern water and waste management systems have been built yet.