Thank you so much.
The bottles look much smaller than I expected being 20 L. They made me realize I made a big mistake in my article. I stated that we use 5L bottles. Which I have always thought they are. Your pictures made me actually look and ours are 10L.
I do think I prefer 10 as I have trouble lifting them to counter height when they are full as it is.
I have recently seen water dispensers being sold here. It is a new thing. My husband and I have considered getting one, and we might still. We do like to use as little electricity as possible which is one reason we have hesitated. Do yours require electricity? I can see there could be ones that don't.
The more common method for dispensing water is a simple pump that is attached to the opening. There are ones that are pumped by hand and ones that are battery operated.
Using one is kind of an acquired skill as you have to judge when to let go or stop pumping before it overflows the bottle you are filling.
When ours broke, we just started filling the smaller glass bottles by lining them up in the sink and pouring the water in. It is actually a lot less trouble and less mess from unintended overflow. But as I am too short and often can't lift the bottles that high, the job falls to my husband.
It is so fascinating to me how different cultures find different solutions for similar problems. Thank you so much for telling me how things are done in Mexico! Hopefully through mutual sharing, we can all learn from each other and continue to find more and better solutions.